VEI - Venus Envy Inc.
VEI stands for Venus Envy Inc.
Here you will find, what does VEI stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Venus Envy Inc.? Venus Envy Inc. can be abbreviated as VEI What does VEI stand for? VEI stands for Venus Envy Inc.. What does Venus Envy Inc. mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Ottawa, Ontario.
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Alternative definitions of VEI
- Volcanic Explosivity Index
- Volcanic Explosivity Index
- Visual Effects, Inc.
- Virtually Everything, Inc.
- Vending Equipment Interface
- Vista Energy Resources, Inc.
- VESA Enterprises, Inc.
- Village Exchange International
View 38 other definitions of VEI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VCS Vickers Concrete Sawing
- VMI Vertical Motion Inc.
- VEL Vision for Education Ltd
- VBMAG Vogel Business Media AG
- VPS Volunteers in Public Schools
- VTD Via Travel Design
- VASI VA Staffing Inc.
- VCCS Victory Christian Center School
- VFL Velocity Financial Ltd
- VHC Valley Hunt Club
- VHP Vassar Haiti Project
- VPL Vernet Pty Ltd